
Friday, March 4, 2011

Day #29: Busy Bee at the studio today

Bumblebee from "Little by Little."
We were busy bees at the studio today. We created several bumblebees using needlefelting and wet-felting techniques. The tiny puppet is very solid and "bumbles" along quite nicely!

We only got around to adding wings and a rod to one of the bees. I don't always like to use the word "cute" when talking about puppets, but this one is, well, really cute, huh?

We finally managed to figure out how to do a video clip -- we'll keep working on these and incorporate some more soon!


  1. Sweet! Both the bee and the clip. (I don't have sound on my laptop, but still enjoyed the flight.)

    *makes a mental note to refrain from using "cute" as a puppet descriptor*


  2. So very cool! Is this a bee puppet for the show? And yay for video!

  3. Love the video! Every time it ends all Adele says is "Again! I want the zzzzzz again! The bee!" (with a big happy grin.)
